This project was a bit unique in that the clients wanted mostly ideas, rather than specific measured plans. There was a lot of property to work with (it's a dairy farm) and a lot of new issues to tackle. For this client, I put together a book of my sketches and suggestions. It's a bit difficult to show online, but what I did was print pages with the picture of the problem area, and then I printed an overlay on transparent vellum that included my suggestions and the sketches of how I envisioned the area after the improvements. Here are three of the fifteen areas I put together suggestions for, with the picture page on the left, and the transparency on the right (you'll just have to imagine the right pages laid over the left ones).

At the end of the book was a list of recommended plants for the clients to use divided by type (perennials, small shrubs, large shrubs.)
Time: 12 hours